Well, mind you ! Sounds like a warning at the outset ? NO, never. I was just asking you to mind your and your friend's MIND.
We are sure that every conscious human being has a mind, whatever that means. We seldom bother to go beyond this level. When it comes to questions of this nature, we don't even venture to acknowlege that we have such thoughts.
Such questions can be difficult to answer, may be time consuming and mere mental gymnastics. But still at the back of our minds we know that these questions, or rather their answers, are vital to us, even if we may sideline them due to other more pressing preoccupations.
Some of us ponder over them at our leisure time. Many gloss over them. For some these are of utmost importance.
9 months ago
My mind used to devote my time to think about my mind and other's minds.I used to wonder how other minds think about their own mind and other's minds including animal minds.
I hope one day we'll be able to come up with collection of thoughts on minds which will throw more light on the enigma'mind'.Today we have to believe the teachings of few scholars or specialist who improvise other's thoughts and ordinary minds are kept in the dark. Unlike other things the theories on mind are difficult to prove or disprove....and scientific debate on mind will go on and on,till supercomputers,neurology,physiology,neuroendocrinology,neuropharmocology,biochemistry develop from their present stage of infancy to adulthood.
I think we should stop thinkig of mind as something that is transcendantal. Mind all sais and done is the subjective experience of a finite conscious human being. Its contents can change over time, with or without one;s knowledge. At some later stage the processes stops, the structure that housed it (brain) disintegrates. That is the end of everything. So far there is nos scientific support for anything that transcends. But correlating each and every mental processes with biological processes, reducng everything to cellual, molecular events is ipossible The subjective experience (qualia as it is called in the neuroscience / philosophy parlance)cannot be reduced into any of its components, Of coures there any many viewpoints on this
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