Robert Cloninger has done extensive work on what constitutes well being. His theory of personality describes personality as a composite of Temperament and Character.
Temperament is the emotional core of the personality. This may be related to Freud's concept of Unconscious mind. It deals mostly with our emotions, feelings and attitudes. It is subdivided into
Novelty seeking (dependent on the neurotransmitter dopamine - people high on this get easily bored with routine tasks, are slightly impatient etc), Harm avoidance (people high on this are inhibited in front of unfamiliar people etc), Reward dependence (people high on this will do things to help or please others etc), and persistence (people high on this tend to persist on tasks). It has to be remembered that these are not mutually exclusive traits. Each of us have varying shades of each of these. The exact combination of all these determine our temperament.
Character is the conceptual core developing from our past experiences stored in our brains. It is divided into self directedness (a positive aspect with motivates and makes us do things), Cooperativeness (important for peaceful coexistence with others ) and self transcendence (the spiritual or higher attribute which helps us to accept the reality that the world had existed before us and will continue to exist after our death).
I have just tried to give very brief, and approximate sketches of ideas of C R Cloninger. This is done to ask all my readers to read another of his article which discusses well being C B T etc a bit more deeply.
This article is titled
The science of well-being: an integrated approach to mental health and its disorders
C. ROBERT CLONINGER Department of Psychiatry, Washington University School of Medicine, 660 South Euclid, St. Louis, MO 63110, USA
It can be accessed at the URL given below
9 months ago
What we look what we see! The theory of evolution in a poem by Khalil Gibran.
Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
Full poetry here
Thanks Ajeesh. I have read 'The Prophet' and these lines had impressed me very much. Poets and artists are able to portrsy comples realities brilliantly.
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