As said earlier mood disorders are closely associated with sleep disturbances.
What is the relationship between sleep and mood?
Studies have shown that transient sleep deprivation can lead to an elevation of mood. A depressed person feels much better after overnight sleep deprivation.
Sleep deprivation can increase the risk of precipitating an attack of mania in a person predisposed to Bipolar disorder. Many persons develop their first manic episodes during festival seasons. They go to the temple yards to watch the late night celebration and fireworks. This is repeated frequently as most of the festivals are clustered in the same period. The resultant sleep deprivation triggers a manic episode.
Another condition that can be worsened by sleep deprivation is epilepsy. Sleep deprivation can precipitate an attack of seizure in a person predispose to it or in whom the disease is under control using drugs.
9 months ago
our reality shows healthy?
Dear Manu,
Competition is unavoidable in the present world. There is nothing wrong in healthy competition. Reality shows have given opportunities for several hundreds of talented people to gain some recognition. It is nice to see and hear new faces performing. But sportsman spirit is very important. One should be able to accept the verdict of judges. There is no sense in linking one's talent (in academics, sports arts or entertainment) to the marks or results obtained in a single competition. If viewed this way there is nothing inherently wrong in reality shows. But when thousands waste their prime time just to view these shows it may have to be regulated.
Many thanks for the encouraging coment, Ruth.
what motivates a terrorist ?
Is Ramelteon approved for long term use?
What are the possible complications?
Sorry to say that I do not have much info on the drug you have asked about
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