Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Are they real illnesses ?

This is another common doubt. Most of us agree that bodily illnesses are true illnesses. But as the existence of "mind" itself is dubious, this doubt about veracity of mental illnesses is understandable. Our earlier discussion concluded by locating the mind in the brain. Hence mental disorders can be viewed as disorders of the brain. It is possible to demonstrate some kind of abnormality / malfunction in the brain in majority of mental disorders. Therfore it can be shown that MENTAL ILLNESSS ARE DISORDERS OF THE BRAIN. But obviously many factors including psychological stress, etc can lead to their development.


Devadas said...

Hysterical conversion reactions which make the life of many girls and their socioeconomically backward families miserable are less frequent in males and females who are educated or profeesionals.
What is the theory regarding the psychological basis of these type of funny behaviour of mind?
Such awkard behaviour has no survival advantage in the present day social life.Is it the reason for the presumed decline in the incidence of such disorders in our society?

Dr. Harish. M. Tharayil said...

Hysterical conversion occurs when a person (more commonly a young female)is faced with overwhelming emotional stress. Such patients tend to dissociate (a slpitting between different sub faculties of min; for example betweenthinkig, emotion or behavior). They produce symptoms wich do not have any physiological basis. Such a state helps the victim to avoid facing the stress consciously. This is known as primary gain. Additionally the patient is relieved from the stress of day today hassles. This is called secondary gain. Treatment includes curtailing both of these. other measures include counseling / psychological therapies to make the patient to stop this game of hide and seek and face realities of life. It has to be highlighted that the patient is not 'acting' or trying to cheat others by faking diseases which are not there. Such persons need a supportive and sympathetic handling. Not ridiculing or teasing or scolding. Psychological support and sometimes medications are used to reduce anxiety and depression.