Thanks for the thought provoking comments made by Devadas. Let me try to clarify a bit. Alcohol use is an individual's behavior. Behavior for psychologists is a very broad concept. It includes any observable activity of the individual.
Alcohol has been dubbed as a 'social lubricant;. Its effects are mediated by complex neurotransmitter mechanisms like GABA etc. Basically it inhibits the nerve cells of the brain. The inhibition of the higher centers controlling social behavior gets rid of one's anxiety, thereby releasing the lower centers of the brain. The lower centers dealing with emotions etc are free to act as they wish because of this. With risiing blood levels even the lower centers are inhibited. This causes angry outbursts, aggression and difficulty to control emotions. Stiil higher dose impair motor coordination and gait. Later the person is drowsy. Withe toxic levels vital centers controling breathing, blood pressure etc malfunction and the person may die.
Another saying with a bit of psychoanalytic hangover is 'Super ego is soluble in alcohol'. These statements describe the effects of taking alcohol poignantly. Repeated exposure to alcohol makes the user tolerant to
the effects, leading to increase in the quantity of use. After sometime, this leads to withdrawal symptoms on sudden cessation. All this from the neurophysiological angle.
Production, distribution and sale of alcohol or anything depends on the demand for the product and its supply - demand dynamics. It is more of commercial activity. Anything that has demand will be produced by entrepreneurs. Social disapproval and sanctions can reduce demand, but cannot stop the commercial activity. Among the major religions of the world only Islam strongly prohibits alcohol. One has to remember that the word alcohol is itself derived from Arabic 'al kahl'. (My etymology may not be very good).
Alcohol might have played a major role in the social life of Arabs, who might have discovered its recreational use or made it popular. Arabs were travellers who knew many trade routes and collected a lot of ideas along with their merchandise. They might have learned about its production from others (?Chinese). Prophet Mohamed might have gradually come to the conclusion that nothing short of total ban will save his people from the bad effects alcohol.
Why does prostitution, forgery, counterfeiting of money and many other activities disapproved by the society still remain in our midst ?. I think man has a positive and negative side to him. Freud spoke of Eros - the positive pro life energy and Thanatos - the negative energy causeing aggression and destruction. In religion this is probably represented by God and Satan or devil. Many people believe in God. But it may be curious to note whether all of them believe in Satan or not. If not, then where does the evil come from ? I have no answer.
At a much more deeper level I used to ask "Why is our brain allowing alcohol to enter it ?". All substances present in our blood cannot enter the brain. The entry to brain is controlled by a physiological mechanism called 'blood - brain barrier'. If this barrier will not allow, alcohol cannot enter our brains and cause its effects. Is there any evolutionary advantage for the brain being permeable to alcohol ? I invite the comments from all my readers.
9 months ago
1 comment:
Redefining Alcohol...
At the outset Let me congradulate Dr.harish for discribing the science of alcohol at different anatomical levels of brain at varying blood concentration of alcohol.
A born criminal?
The chemical structure of Alcohol is very simple compared to thousands of other organic molecules/ chemicals present in our blood at varying levels. It is one of the well studied molecule with lot of historic and scientifically researched data on it.
It is a socially accepted beaverage of the modern world and as things stand today, a society devoid of alcohol is practically unimaginable and unacceptable.
Though entertainment is not essential for existance of LIFE, like arts, games and sex alcohol has proved it's place in human life.
Let me enlist some facts before posing a question for your comments.
1-Alcohol consumption and trade is permitted;It is legal.
2-The actions of alcohol on brain/behaviour is well known.
3-Alcohol can change the behaviour of an otherwise normal law abiding person.
4-Crimes and accidents are more common after consumption of alcohol.
5-The punishments for crimes depend on the nature of the crime and not on the blood level of alcohol.
6-Though the science attribute the change in behaviour,to the molecular actions of CH3-CH2-OH,the judiciary awards the punishment to the person who happened to consume it.
Though legally permitted,Punishing a person for consuming alcohol might have a logic, as the act is deliberate and is fully under his control or will...
whereas the behaviour after consumption of the molecule is not fully under his concious mind.
So the system of awarding punishments to a person for an act which is not deliberate has no justification , and raises serious doubts/exposes the inherent weakness (soundness/foundation) of the legal system.
The same weakness is obvious in dealing with punishment of crimes by individuals with unsound mind
with genetic reasons.
It is a well known fact that many behavioural abberations and criminal tendencies have molecular basis and the existing legal system is not able to update itself or sensitive to the progress in science...
How far our judiciary is bothered/aware of the current scientific knowledge before punishing the victims of such mental ailments?
Do you think these punishments are justified or useful to the society?
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